


  • :力拓向几内亚铁矿项目追投1.7亿美元


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  • :中铝与力拓昨日达成协议共同开发几内亚铁矿项目

    概述:中铝与力拓公司昨日正式签署合作协议,共同开发几内亚世界级铁矿西芒社项目- Rio Tinto and Chinalco subsidiary Chalco sign binding agreement for Simandou iron ore project joint venture Rio Tinto and Chalco today signed a binding agreement to establish a joint venture (JV) covering the development and operation of the Simandou iron ore project in Guinea. The binding agreement follows the signing of a memorandum of understanding between Rio Tinto and Chalco's parent Chinalco announced on 19 March 2010. The agreement covers all aspects of how the JV and project itself will operate and be governed, including planning, construction and management of the mine and associated rail and port infrastructure. Jan du Plessis, chairman, Rio Tinto and Xiong Weiping, president, Chinalco, and chairman and chief executive officer, Chalco today attended a signing ceremony in the Great Hall of the People in Beijing. Government officials from China, Guinea, the United Kingdom and Australia were represented at the event. Mr du Plessis said: "Developing our relationship and business links with China is a key priority for Rio Tinto. This agreement takes our relationship with China and our largest shareholder Chinalco to a new level, building on a line of successful partnerships between Rio Tinto and China dating back to the start of the Channar iron ore joint venture in the Pilbara a generation ago. The formation of partnerships is integral to our business engagement with China. We are confident that the knowledge and experience gained from these other ventures will help make this joint venture our most successful yet undertaken with a Chinese partner." Mr Xiong said: "The establishment of a joint venture will make use of Chinalco's advantages in the infrastructure field and its profound understanding of the Chinese market as well as Rio Tinto's technologies and experience in the operation of large mining projects, so as to form a complementary and powerful union. We believe the successful development of the Simandou project will greatly quicken the pace of local infrastructure construction and economic development. This project can also efficiently balance China's need for security of supply on the global iron ore market. We expect the two sides will regard cooperation on the Simandou project to be the foundation for further pushing forward the cooperation of these two companies in other resource projects." Tom Albanese, chief executive, Rio Tinto said: "We are excited about formalising our partnership with Chinalco through its subsidiary Chalco. Rio Tinto, Chinalco and the IFC together form an extremely strong development team. We expect to realise great economic and social benefits for the people of Guinea from the development of the Simandou project. This is a world-class iron ore project. We firmly believe this agreement will deliver great value for our shareholders. We remain committed to continued engagement with the Guinean Government and other key stakeholders. We continue to invest funds to keep this important project moving forward and anticipate mining operations would start within five years." Luo Jianchuan, president, Chalco, said: "This transaction is consistent with the company's development strategy to seek development opportunities in the mining industry and to seek high-quality overseas mineral projects. We hope Chalco and Rio Tinto can join efforts to enable the Simandou project to be put into production according to the development schedule reached by the two sides, so as to bring huge value to all related parties." Under the terms of the agreement, Rio Tinto's 95 per cent interest in the Simandou project will be held in the new JV. Chalco will acquire a 47 per cent interest in the new JV by providing US$1.35 billion on an earn-in basis through sole funding of ongoing development work over the next two to three years. Once Chalco has paid its US$1.35 billion, the effective interests of Rio Tinto and Chalco in the Simandou project will be 50.35 per cent and 44.65 per cent respectively. The remaining five per cent will be owned by the International Finance Corporation (IFC), the financing arm of the World Bank. Both Rio Tinto and Chalco are keen to progress the project as soon as possible and are working with all stakeholders to expedite the process. The formation of the JV will be finalised in consultation with the Guinean Government and following satisfaction of various regulatory requirements. Notes to editors Following the formation of the JV, Rio Tinto's Simfer subsidiary will continue to be responsible for the development of the Simandou project, and Chalco will provide secondees to assist and be involved with Rio Tinto in the management and operation of the project. In addition to the sole funding provided by Chalco, the project will require significant additional development expenditure before it becomes fully operational, which will be funded jointly by Rio Tinto, Chalco and IFC, based on their corresponding share of interests. The Guinean Government holds an option to buy up to 20 per cent of the project. The Government has recently expressed a willingness to exercise that option. Any interest acquired by the Guinean Government would proportionally reduce the effective holding in the project of Rio Tinto, Chalco and the IFC. Simandou is a world-class iron ore mining project located in south-eastern Guinea. The project has completed initial feasibility studies and development work is progressing. Rio Tinto is partnered with the IFC, which holds a five per cent stake in the Simandou project. Chalco also contributes dedicated capability in the delivery of major projects and access to the infrastructure expertise and experience of other organisations in China. Since the Mining Concession was granted in 2006, Rio Tinto has spent more than US$650 million on exploration, environmental, community development and evaluation work necessary to develop a world-class mine at Simandou. The Simandou project employs more than 1,100 people in Guinea, including direct and indirect employees. The current mine, rail and port plan anticipates creating tens of thousands of jobs during the construction phase and more than 4,000 full-time jobs during the operational phase. The mine would be managed by Rio Tinto. Once fully operational, the mine is expected to produce more than 70 million tonnes of high-grade iron ore annually, and satisfying demand in the China market will be a high priority. Chalco is a listed subsidiary of Chinalco, with its shares traded on the Hong Kong, Shanghai and New York Stock Exchanges. Chinalco, directly and through various associated entities, holds in excess of 40 per cent of Chalco's issued capital. About Rio Tinto Rio Tinto is a leading international mining group headquartered in the UK, combining Rio Tinto plc, a London and NYSE listed company, and Rio Tinto Limited, which is listed on the Australian Securities Exchange. Rio Tinto's business is finding, mining, and processing mineral resources. Major products are aluminium, copper, diamonds, energy (coal and uranium), gold, industrial minerals (borax, titanium dioxide, salt, talc) and iron ore. Activities span the world but are strongly represented in Australia and North America with significant businesses in South America, Asia, Europe and southern Africa. (来源: Rio Tinto) 。

  • 力拓CEO石道成:2022年铁矿石市场供需更加平衡

    其中,铁矿石资源量为22.5亿吨,已探明铁矿石品位为66%~67%,远高于全球铁矿石平均品位,投产后年产量有望达到1.5亿吨据3月初报道,几内亚政府称两个开发集团因该地的港口和铁路融资谈判而暂停了该项目 当问及西芒杜项目时,石道成表示,几内亚政府的确叫停了这个项目“但我们看到的是,政府需要确保在进一步推进此项目之前,让各方意见达成一致,然后再重新启动这个项目。

  • Mysteel月报:一月铁矿石供应过剩格局不改 港口累库幅度或有扩大

    1-11月,日本钢铁产品出口总量3158万吨,同比增长6.8% 从日本主要钢铁产品出口市场来看,1-11月,日本对韩国钢铁出口452万吨,同比增长1.3%;对中国出口473万吨,同比下降13.5%;对中国台湾出口216万吨,同比下降5.3%;对泰国出口552万吨,同比增长64.8%;对美国出口105万吨,同比增长27.8% 3.4 几内亚Nimba铁矿石项目计划增资扩股 据报道,英国著名商人Robert Friedland旗下High Power Exploration矿业公司正计划为所属的几内亚Nimba铁矿石项目筹备伦敦证券交易所上市。

  • 几内亚Nimba铁矿石项目计划增资扩股

    报道,英国著名商人Robert Friedland旗下High Power Exploration矿业公司正计划为所属的几内亚Nimba铁矿石项目筹备伦敦证券交易所上市 Robert Friedland表示Nimba铁矿石项目位于几内亚东南部,预估储量10亿吨,计划未来开采量为5亿吨,并计划通过邻国利比里亚的港口出口 HPX 估计Nimba项目开发将耗资近 28 亿美元,其中 6 亿美元用于利比里亚的铁路和港口开发。

  • Mysteel晚餐:钢厂库存增幅放缓,热卷均价涨超100

    目前,其储煤量预计可使用100天左右,而且还在不断购入新煤 ◎ 据报道,几内亚-Nimba铁矿石项目目前以及完成前期可行性研究,但目前制约铁矿石出口的主要阻碍是通往利比里亚港口的铁路线此矿山预计在2023年开始施工,年产量将达到3000万吨 ◎ 据报道,英美资源近期宣布,计划在巴西米纳斯吉拉斯州投资44亿巴西雷亚尔(折合约8亿美元)用于支持其在米纳斯-里约铁矿石项目的持续运营。

  • 几内亚-Nimba铁矿石项目完成可行性研究

    报道,几内亚-Nimba铁矿石项目目前以及完成前期可行性研究,但目前制约铁矿石出口的主要阻碍是通往利比里亚港口的铁路线 据悉,该项目在2019年由一家高功率勘探公司(HPX)收购,该公司表示此矿山预计在2023年开始施工,年产量将达到3000万吨 预计该项目总共开发需要27.7亿美元,利比里亚铁路和港口开发的直接成本将超过6亿美元

  • Mysteel:进口铁矿石市场周评与预判(08.16-08.20)

    据悉,计划承接此次首批铁矿发运的散货船载重 4.6万吨,卸货港将由 Venture 的承购合作伙伴 Prosperity Steel United Singapore 指定,该公司是全球最大的铁矿石贸易商之一 Riley矿山以露天开采方式为主,铁矿石年产量约80万吨,产品以57%品位的赤铁矿为主 4.3、TerraCom收购几内亚Kalia铁矿项目 据报道,TerraCom公司的全资子公司与Bellzone控股公司签署了一份收购几内亚共和国Kalia铁矿项目的合约。

  • 中国钢企海产能配置“攻略”

    同时,这个地区丰富的高品质铁矿资源非常适合希望同步推进产能配置国际化、加大对上游供应链控制力度的钢铁企业投资者可以在建设钢铁产能和争取获得高品质铁矿石资源两方面齐头并进、相互协同 在多个非洲国家都曾发生过海投资资产被强制国有化的事件,投资非洲的主权风险也被体反复报道 这也是为何在几内亚湾沿岸地区虽然有充足的钢材需求、理想的原燃料供给条件以及明显的成本优势,但是鲜有投资者愿意涉足全流程钢铁制造这种重资产行业的原因。

  • 中国钢企海产能配置“攻略”

    同时,这个地区丰富的高品质铁矿资源非常适合希望同步推进产能配置国际化、加大对上游供应链控制力度的钢铁企业投资者可以在建设钢铁产能和争取获得高品质铁矿石资源两方面齐头并进、相互协同 在多个非洲国家都曾发生过海投资资产被强制国有化的事件,投资非洲的主权风险也被体反复报道 这也是为何在几内亚湾沿岸地区虽然有充足的钢材需求、理想的原燃料供给条件以及明显的成本优势,但是鲜有投资者愿意涉足全流程钢铁制造这种重资产行业的原因。

  • 钢矿:西芒杜铁矿石项目基建设施取得进展

    西芒杜铁矿石项目基建设施取得进展 据报道,非洲几内亚东南部的Simandou铁矿项目的铁路建设和隧道工程已经开工Simandou的矿床估计为24亿吨高品位矿石,该矿位于西非,将重塑全球铁矿石贸易格局 基建项目将在大西洋沿岸的Matakong建立一条650公里的铁路线和一个深水港,旨在2025年之前将这两个区块(1,2区块)投入生产提供发运设施。

  • 西芒杜铁矿石项目基建设施取得进展

    报道,非洲几内亚东南部的Simandou铁矿项目的铁路建设和隧道工程已经开工Simandou的矿床估计为24亿吨高品位矿石,该矿位于西非,将重塑全球铁矿石贸易格局 基建项目将在大西洋沿岸的Matakong建立一条650公里的铁路线和一个深水港,旨在2025年之前将这两个区块(1,2区块)投入生产提供发运设施这条铁路将通过11.7公里穿山隧道还将在Mamou县的Ouré-Kaba县修建第二条总长度为9 km的隧道。

  • Mysteel:进口铁矿石市场周评与预判(03.08-03.12)

    受消极心态影响,铁矿价格几近跌回周初水平主流品种方面,各个品种相继溢价上涨,周中市场尤为活跃块矿球团精粉方面,受基本面影响,依旧保持较高的关注度,价格持稳 四、上周热点回顾 1、 美国HPX公司正在加速推进几内亚铁矿石项目 据报道,美国Robert Friedland(弗里德兰)旗下的High Power Exploration (HPX)周一表示,几内亚东南部Nimba铁矿项目已筹集2亿美元资金。

  • High Power Exploration筹集2亿美元投资几内亚Nimba铁矿

    报道,由Robert Friedland控股的High Power Exploration投资公司已筹集了2亿美元,用于在几内亚投资开发大型铁矿Nimba项目该项目初期投产后的目标年产量为1500万吨,预计2025年至2026年首次出口,完全投产后年产能达3000万吨 Nimba目前由法国矿业股份SMFG控股,目前开发顺利,有望成为几内亚的第一个主要铁矿石出口商。

  • 钢矿: 美国HPX公司正在加速推进几内亚铁矿石项目

    美国HPX公司正在加速推进几内亚铁矿石项目 据报道,美国Robert Friedland(弗里德兰)旗下的High Power Exploration (HPX)周一表示,几内亚东南部Nimba铁矿项目已筹集2亿美元资金 该项资金将使HPX能够快速推进项目开发该项目最初预计年产量1,500万吨铁矿石,预计将在2025-2026年开始出口。

  • 加拿大HPX公司正在加速推进几内亚铁矿石项目

    报道,美国Robert Friedland(弗里德兰)旗下的High Power Exploration (HPX)周一表示,几内亚东南部Nimba铁矿项目已筹集2亿美元资金 该项资金将使HPX能够快速推进项目开发该项目最初预计年产量1,500万吨铁矿石,预计将在2025-2026年开始出口。

  • 加拿大HPX公司正在加速推进几内亚铁矿石项目

    报道,美国Robert Friedland(弗里德兰)旗下的High Power Exploration (HPX)周一表示,几内亚东南部Nimba铁矿项目已筹集2亿美元资金 该项资金将使HPX能够快速推进项目开发该项目最初预计年产量1,500万吨铁矿石,预计将在2025-2026年开始出口 弗里德兰上世纪90年代在加拿大的Voisey’s Bay开发镍矿项目,也曾参与了蒙古的Oyu Tolgoi铜矿项目和刚果的Kamoa-Kakula项目。

  • Mysteel:钢铁产业“十四五”发展漫谈

    因此未来应着重在增量上下工夫 工信部发布的《关于推动钢铁工业高质量发展的指导意见(征求意见稿)》当中,提出打造1-2个具有全球影响力和市场竞争力的海权益铁矿山,海权益铁矿占进口矿比重超过20% 根据这个要求,应该加快推动西非、西澳等境特大型铁矿项目建设,加强与俄罗斯、缅甸、哈萨克斯坦、蒙古等邻国铁矿石资源合作尤其是几内亚西芒杜项目,据体报道,中国企业取得明显进展。

  • 徐向春:“十四五”迎来铁矿石破局窗口期

    根据这个要求,应该加快推动西非、西澳等境特大型铁矿项目建设,加强与俄罗斯、缅甸、哈萨克斯坦、蒙古等邻国铁矿石资源合作尤其是几内亚西芒杜项目,据体报道,中国企业取得明显进展如果项目投建产,产量能达到1.5亿吨左右,这对抑制铁矿石价格产生重大影响 问:西芒杜铁矿位于几内亚东南部山区,总储量累计超过100亿吨,铁矿石平均品位65%,被认为是世界上尚未开采的储量最大、矿石品质最高的铁矿。



2022-03-16 11:47


2021-12-24 17:36

报道,英国著名商人Robert Friedland旗下High Power Exploration矿业公司正计划为所属的几内亚Nimba铁矿石项目筹备伦敦证券交易所上市。该项目预估储量10亿吨,计划未来开采量为5亿吨。如果一切按计划进行,该项目将在 2023 年开始建设。

2021-11-11 11:42


2021-02-02 15:29


2020-06-24 08:57




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