


  • 路透调查:铁矿石价格跌势远未结束

    路透访问的14位分析师预估中值显示,发往中国的指标62%品位铁矿石2016年均价料在每吨47美元,2017年料为45美元 而9月调查中对2016年和2017年的铁矿石价格预估均为50美元自9月以来,铁矿石价格已跌去三分之一,触及37美元,这至少为2008年以来的最低位。

  • Mysteel周报:上海建筑钢材偏强,预计下周趋势不改

    个别国家把金融当成地缘博弈工具,屡屡玩弄货币霸权,动辄就挥舞金融制裁”大棒大打出手,一些居心回测者妄图兴风作浪、趁乱牟利,不仅有看空者”“做空者”,还有“唱空者”“掏空者”,企图动摇国际社会对华投资信心,妄图引发我国内金融动荡这些都给新形势下维护金融安全带来了新挑战 路透社报道: 近期,国家发改委将组织市场机构和业内专家召开会议,分析研判铁矿石市场和价格走势。

  • Mysteel日报:全国棕榈油市场震荡走低

    成交量81.60万手,持仓量减少2321手至27.98万手 四、 短期预测 路透社对MPOB的预估来看,11月库存降幅0.4%不及预期马来货币持续走强,也对棕榈油形成压制国内来看,上周全国重点地区棕榈油商业库存约97.88万吨,库存拐点尚未来临,目前疫情政策逐渐放开,后期需求能否起量成为关注焦点短期仍持宽幅震荡思路 2022大宗商品年报出炉在即!欢迎抢鲜品读! 报告聚焦钢材、煤焦、铁矿石、不锈钢新材料、铁合金、废钢、有色金属、建筑材料、农产品等9大品种,由上海钢联100多位资深分析师倾力打造,深度剖析100余条细分产业链长周期数据,囊括行业热点、宏观政策等全方位解读,涵盖价格价差、成本利润、产能产量、库存、资源流向、区域供需平衡、市场竞争格局等基本面分析…… 点击链接了解更多:点击查看 。

  • 澳大利亚电池金属制造商是韩国电动汽车雄心的关键

    12月1日,据外媒报道,韩国一位高管周三表示,澳大利亚将在韩国领导电动汽车电池市场的雄心中发挥重要作用,并从中国转向多元化,以满足其电池金属需求澳大利亚钢铁巨头浦项制铁(POSCO)的总经理Ben Bosung Kim表示,该公司已经在澳大利亚投资了约50亿澳元(34亿美元),其中包括铁矿石和煤炭等传统原材料,最近还包括制造电动汽车电池所需的锂、镍、石墨和其他矿物 Ben 在悉尼举行的澳大利亚-韩国商业理事会(AKBC)会议间隙对路透社表示,澳大利亚和韩国在澳大利亚的采矿业和韩国的制造业方面始终是互补和相互依存的。

  • 路透铁矿石今年均价预计降为125美元

    铁矿石市场2013年开局大好,但一项路透调查显示,全球供应增速将快过主要进口国中国需求回升的速度 铁矿石价格涨势在本月触及15个月高点后已失去动能由于今年经济不太可能快速反弹,中国原材料需求上升的幅度可能不足以吸收力拓等全球矿商增加的产量 路透对17位分析师的调查中值显示,62%级铁矿石今年每吨均价料为125美元。

  • Mysteel晚报:唐山钢坯继续下调 天津大无缝价格持平

    ◎【德国政府将在9月30日前批准修订后的天然气税草案】据议会和行业消息人士透露,德国政府料在本月底前批准修订后的天然气税草案,以应对天然气进口成本上涨(路透) 【金融市场】 ◎截至9月20日收盘,螺纹钢2301收3659元/吨,跌1.48%;热卷2301收3704元/吨,跌1.98%;铁矿石2301收696元/吨,跌3.06%。

  • 加快推进国内铁矿开发,提高资源保障能力

    此前,非洲几内亚东南部西芒杜铁矿项目的铁路建设和隧道工程已经开工,预计将于2024年1月份之前建成西芒杜铁矿矿床资源量为30亿吨(高品位矿石),该矿位于西非,或将重塑全球铁矿石贸易格局据了解,路透社于7月4日看到的一封信显示,几内亚矿业部长已下令停止与西芒杜铁矿石项目相关的所有工作 庆华集团塞拉利昂新唐克里里铁矿项目有望复产塞拉利昂庆华投资有限公司于2020年9月份正式启动复产计划。

  • 乌克兰最大钢铁巨头:本月出口欧洲的铁矿石增加了一倍

    路透报道,乌克兰最大的钢铁制造商Metinvest表示,虽然乌克兰处于战乱之中,但该公司本月已将出口欧洲的铁矿石总量增加了一倍 Metinvest首席执行官YuriyRyzhenkov透露,在俄乌冲突升级之前,该公司通常每月向欧洲运送50万-60万吨铁矿石,但如今这一数字几乎翻了一番,3月份迄今为止已经向欧洲出口了超过100万吨铁矿石 据Ryzhenkov介绍,造成出口激增的原因一方面是市场需求强劲,另一方面欧洲的客户也想表示对乌克兰的声援。

  • 路透社)钢材市场萎靡 铁矿石现货价格创8个月以来新低

    钢材市场对于原材料需求减少,导致进口矿现货价格自去年11月基准利率触底以来进一步下跌 钢厂在逐步减产以应对需求下降,据行业最新估计,如果矿山继续增加产量将导致铁矿石价格下跌更加厉害 世界第三大铁矿石供应商必和必拓表示与去年同期相比上季度产量增加了15%,并在2013年财务年度期间产量再增5%。

  • 路透社)Vale高歌猛进 30万吨铁矿球团出口到印度

    全球最大的铁矿石生产商淡水河谷公司在2012年迄今已向印度主要钢铁生产商发送30万吨铁矿球团 “我们其实非常希望我们会有更多高品质球团能进入到他们的高炉里”一位印度公司高级官员透露 这些出口产品主要从淡水河谷在阿曼和巴西开设的厂房生产出来,阿曼厂于2011年五月建立,起初是为了满足中东钢厂商的需求,但实际上地理位置更加靠近印度市场,尤其是那些开设在印度西岸的公司。

  • 路透社)中国铁矿石现货价格随货物需求放缓正在走低

    中国作为全球最大钢材生产国和消费国受欧债危机和本国房地产紧缩政策影响经济下滑,钢铁价格自四月至六月间下滑6% 一位深圳矿商说到,现在钢厂购买意愿不强矿石贸易商们交易艰难。

  • 路透社)中国铁矿石现货价格随货物需求放缓正在走低

    中国作为全球最大钢材生产国和消费国受欧债危机和本国房地产紧缩政策影响经济下滑,钢铁价格自四月至六月间下滑6% 一位深圳矿商说到,现在钢厂购买意愿不强矿石贸易商们交易艰难 钢铁指数的数据显示62%铁矿石基准价格在6月28日下降0.5美元到134.9美元,在四月到六月间降幅超过8% Reuters reported that spot prices for iron ore cargoes to China fell on June 29th 2012 as buying interest from steel mills remained tepid, with data showing a fall in industrial profits for a second straight month underlining slower domestic growth. Steel demand in China, the world's largest producer and consumer, has been waning since early April 2012 as Europe's debt crisis and a property tightening campaign have slowed economic growth, dragging down steel prices by 6 percent over April to June 2012 period. China is expected to grow at the slowest pace in more than three years this quarter and industrial profits fell for a second straight month in May 2012 on slackening domestic and external demand. A Shenzhen based iron ore trader said that "Traders sealed deals to buy iron ore but have found it difficult to sell on market as mills are not buying." Data from the Steel Index showed that benchmark iron ore with 62% iron content IO62-CNI=SI dropped half a dollar to USD 134.90 per tonne on June 28th 2012, the lowest since June 14th 2012. It fell more than 8% over the April to June 2012 period. Still, there are hopes Beijing will do more to boost the world's second largest economy, which could lift steel and iron ore demand later in the year. Source - Reuters Edited by Mysteel Bryan 。

  • (路透社)澳大利亚铁矿石出口保持高速增长

    导读:中国铁矿石需求保持强劲势头,预计澳矿出口在下财务年度将随之增长10% ;本年度完成市场预期,实际达成与早期目标一致;据有关数据统计,澳大利亚2010到2011年度铁矿石出口量较前一年度增长1700万吨,2011-2012年度增长5600万吨,到2013年6月底,其增长量有望达到4700万吨,到时,总出口量将达5.1亿吨 SYDNEY, June 27 (Reuters) - Australia, the world's biggest producer of iron ore, on Wednesday stuck to a forecast for a 10 percent rise in exports in the next fiscal year, as mining companies spend billions of dollars beefing up operations to meet demand from China. The pace of growth, in line with market expectations, reflects massive work from mega-producers Rio Tinto and BHP Billiton to dig more mines amid predictions that China, the biggest buyer of Australian minerals, will weather the global economic malaise and maintain strong industrial growth. "This is largely on the back of the enourmous work underway by the likes of BHP and Rio Tinto to dig up more iron ore," said Gavin Wendt, an analyst for MineLife in Sydney. "We've been looking at somewhere around 500 million tonnes next year for some time." The Bureau of Resources and Energy Economics (BREE) predicted iron ore exports of 510 million tonnes in the financial year that begins in July after downgrading its forecast for the current year by 10 million tonnes to 463 million tonnes, citing the impact of bad weather on mining operations. "The increase in export volumes across the majority of commodities reflects recent expansions to mine and infrastructure capacity," said Quentin Grafton, BREE's chief economist. Although economic growth has moderated in China since mid-2011, consumption and investment are expected to remain robust, Grafton said, adding that the country's economic growth was "sustainable" at around 8 percent through 2013. With the exception of aluminium, exports of all major minerals and energy commodities are forecast to climb, with metallurgical and thermal coal both set to rise by 13 percent from a year earlier. The largest increases, in percentage terms, are expected for liquefied natural gas, up 21 percent, and alumina, up 15 percent. Copper exports are forecast to jump 10 percent. Based on the BREE data, Australian iron ore exports increased by 17 million tonnes in 2010/11 from the year before, and 56 million tonnes between 2011/12. They are slated to rise another 47 million tonnes by June 30, 2013 to 510 million tonnes. Slumping commodity prices in general and escalating costs have squeezed cash flows, pushing BHP and Rio to reconsider the pace of mine expansion, though neither has shown signs of pulling back in iron ore. According to government data, iron ore continues to remain a key part of the resources industry, with 15 projects, costing a total of $25.6 billion, in advanced stages of development. Rio, the world's second-largest miner of iron ore after Brazil's Vale, currently runs its mines at an annual rate of 230 million tonnes and has already put in place work to take output first to 283 million tonnes, then 353 million tonnes. At an expanded rate of 353 million tonnes, Rio's Australian mines would be supplying nearly a third of the world trade in iron ore. BHP is mining iron ore at a rate of 165 million to 170 million tonnes per year, which is above its production guidance of 159 million tonnes in fiscal 2012. But producers differ slightly on where the market is heading in the longer term. BHP expects 650 million tonnes a year of new seaborne iron ore supply to be needed by 2025, compared with a Rio forecast that 700 million tonnes of iron ore would be required by 2019. UNDER PRESSURE Iron ore prices grew dramatically to a peak of nearly $200 per tonne on a cost-and-freight China basis in February 2011, boosted by supply constraints and Chinese appetite for the steelmaking raw material. Since the second half of last year, however, slowing economic growth and increased supply have put pressure on prices. Benchmark iron ore with 62 percent iron content stood at $135.40 a tonne on Wednesday. According to mining consultancy Raw Materials Group (RMG), iron ore supply and demand are likely to be balanced in 2 years, slightly later than previously expected, as some new projects are constrained by political risk and difficult logistics. [ID: nL6E8HQ8BQ] Australia's metallurgical coal exports should climb to around 161 million tonnes in 2012/13, BREE said, although total earnings on this are slated to decline about 2 percent due to a modest drop in coal prices. Source:James Regan, Reuters Edited by Bryan, Mysteel 。

  • 路透:中国明年钢产量和铁矿石进口量增长料放慢

    路透报道,由于中国政府持续严控房地产市场,明年中国钢产量和铁矿石进口增长将会放慢,从而为铁矿石价格带来压力 尽管增长放缓,但中国2012年钢铁产量和铁矿石进口量仍将刷新纪录高位,表明政府努力投资于保障房和基础设施建设 接受路透访问的12家经纪商和行业咨询机构给出的预估中值为,2012年粗钢产量料将增长5.8%至7.28亿吨,消费量则可能上升4.6%至6.85亿吨。

  • 路透:中国明年钢产量和铁矿石进口量增长料放慢

    路透报道,由于中国政府持续严控房地产市场,明年中国钢产量和铁矿石进口增长将会放慢,从而为铁矿石价格带来压力 尽管增长放缓,但中国2012年钢铁产量和铁矿石进口量仍将刷新纪录高位,表明政府努力投资于保障房和基础设施建设 接受路透访问的12家经纪商和行业咨询机构给出的预估中值为,2012年粗钢产量料将增长5.8%至7.28亿吨,消费量则可能上升4.6%至6.85亿吨。

  • 路透:中国明年钢产量和铁矿石进口量增长料放慢

    路透报道,由于中国政府持续严控房地产市场,明年中国钢产量和铁矿石进口增长将会放慢,从而为铁矿石价格带来压力 尽管增长放缓,但中国2012年钢铁产量和铁矿石进口量仍将刷新纪录高位,表明政府努力投资于保障房和基础设施建设 接受路透访问的12家经纪商和行业咨询机构给出的预估中值为,2012年粗钢产量料将增长5.8%至7.28亿吨,消费量则可能上升4.6%至6.85亿吨。

  • 路透:中国明年钢产量和铁矿石进口量增长料放慢

  • 路透:中国明年钢产量和铁矿石进口量增长料放慢

  • 路透:国际投行涌入实物铁矿石交易

    路透社报道,为铁矿石交易市场的超大规模及更加透明的定价机制所吸引,越来越多的投资银行加入了实物铁矿石交易,这一市场曾长期为贸易公司所主导 麦格理(Macquarie)分析师Colin Hamilton称,“全球铁矿石市场的规模是主要诱因,它比其它任何金属的交易规模都要大,而现在它们有了可运营的金融市场。

  • 澳大利亚矿产品出口喜忧参半

    据Mining.com网站援引路透社报道,澳大利亚政府日前发布的一份报告显示,2020/2021财年铁矿石出口额有望达到1360亿澳元(1038.5亿美元),主要是因为全球钢铁生产正在从Covid-19疫情中恢复 随着必和必拓、力拓和福蒂丘公司在西澳州皮尔巴拉地区扩大生产,未来5年,澳大利亚最有价值矿产品出口额每年将超过1000亿澳元。



2024-05-03 18:33


2024-05-03 18:32


2024-05-02 19:08


2024-05-02 19:07

5月2日Mysteel62%铁矿石指数116.7, 平,月均116.7;65%铁矿石指数131.5, 平,月均131.5。(单位:美元/干吨)

2024-04-30 19:00




  • 品种 市场 价格 涨跌 日期 走势



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